Office Depots National Backpack Program

So many kids go back to school with no backpack and no supplies. There are so many ministries and companies now that try to help with this desperate need. My kids have been blessed with some of these ministries in the past. I am very happy to post about opportunities like these!

National Backpack Program – 16th Anniversary

For children to succeed in school, they need to have the right tools: pencils, pens, crayons and such – and something to carry them in, of course. With these in hand, they can walk out the door each morning with a sense of pride – excited about the day ahead.

Unfortunately, millions of kids are far from properly equipped for school. In fact, untold numbers of youngsters head out in the morning with nothing but a plastic bag or a pillowcase to carry their books and school supplies in – if they even have any supplies to carry.

The Office Depot Foundation has worked exceptionally hard to change this troubling reality. By donating great-looking new sack packs containing essential school supplies to deserving children, we are giving them invaluable tools they can use to succeed in the classroom.

In 2016, the Office Depot Foundation is marking the 16th Year of its award-winning National Backpack Program by donating approximately 200,000 colorful, kid-friendly sack packs to kids. By the end of the year, Office Depot and the Office D2016_ODF_Sackpack-v-3[1] - compressedepot Foundation will have helped more than 4 million children since the inception of the National Backpack Program in 2001.

The sack packs we donate are designed with kids in mind – they come in seven different color combinations with kid-friendly graphics. You will not find the Office Depot Foundation’s logo anywhere on the sack packs – except for a removable paper tag. We want to be sure that children are proud to carry the sack packs they receive, with no risk of being stigmatized by something that clearly identifies it as an act of charity.

An important key to the success of the National Backpack Program is our collaboration with highly regarded nonprofit partners who help us connect the dots with thousands of children in all 50 states as well as internationally. Click here to learn about our 2016 national partner organizations.

Inside the sacks there is a small pencil case with a couple pencils, a small hand sharpener, a pk of 4 crayons and a mini ruler.

Every little bit helps! Thank you Office Depot for helping these communities!

To see some of the pics from their Backpack programs, click on these links and scroll down. Look at the happy faces of the kids and their parents!

New Orleans
Los Angeles
West Palm Beach

More information about the National Backpack Program can be found on the Office Depot Foundation’s Facebook page at To learn more about the Office Depot Foundation and its initiatives, go to You can follow the Foundation on Twitter @OfficeDepotFndn; the National Backpack Program’s hashtag is #ODFcares. The Foundation is also on Instagram: @officedepotfoundation.

I was sent a couple of the sacks as a thank you for posting this information about their mission


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