Nuby Glow in the Dark Binkies

These BPA free pacifiers are a great idea! I was so excited to get to try these.

Product Description
Available in 0-6 months & 6-12 months +
Glow in the Dark Handle
Orthodontic baglet
Massaging Nub-eez™ soothe and stimulate gums
Hygienic Air System reduces skin irritation

Nuby's nite time BPA free pacifier is perfect for naps and night time soothing. It's glow in the dark handle makes it easier to find in the dark. To make the handle glow: expose to light for several seconds, turn lights off and watch it glow.

I have not seen another baby company come out with glow in the dark pacifiers. I love this. We had had enough of the crying in the middle of the night and searching with your hands, in the dark, and not being able to find the small plastic soother.

It's hard enough to find a dropped binkie in the daytime, let alone at night....

Just let these sit in the light for a few minutes, turn off the light and you will be able to see the handles glow. Very nice for night time searching. If the baby is old enough, even better, they can find the binkie in the dark all by themselves. Definitely makes for am easy night for mom and baby.

Our little girl has never been a huge binkie baby but she loves them for teething. Her night time screaming is curbed with these on hand. I am so glad that Nuby came up with this idea. I am sure I am not the only mom who is happy for this new invention.

These come in varieties of colors. Great for every day and every outfit!

This pacifier comes in 0-6 and 6mths plus

Each set of these costs around $5-$7 depending on where you purchase them.

Amazon carries them for $6.99

If you look some Babies R Us carry these. For some reason not all. Buy Buy Baby had them at one time also.

Check out Nuby at all their Social websites


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