Nuby 3 pk Non Drip 10 oz Bottles
My grandbaby loves these bottles. She was used to the Dr. Browns bottles but when I got these to test, she took to these really quick. My daughter likes the small well in the tip of the bottle nipple. Unique skirt on the nipple flexes to allow air into the bottle. The bottle nipple has bumps on it. Provides teething nubs for massage and stimulation of gums. Helps so much for teething infants and toddlers. Excuse the half naked baby. She keeps taking her clothes off. The colors of the bottles are so pretty. Each color can be used for boy or girl. The shape of the bottle itself is great for easy holding. Little hands have a hard time in holding a heavy, liquid filled bottle. You can purchase these amazing bottles from: Available at these retailers: ◦ ◦ $9.20 for the set of 3 from Amazon ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦buybuy Baby ◦TJ Maxx ◦Baby Depot at Burlington ◦Ross Dress For Less ◦JC Penney ◦DD’s Di