
Five Lil Bass In Tow: Happy Saturday!

Five Lil Bass In Tow: Happy Saturday! : How is everyone doing this fine Saturday? What are your plans for the weekend? This morning I got up and went through all the Christmas gift...

Happy Saturday!

How is everyone doing this fine Saturday? What are your plans for the weekend? This morning I got up and went through all the Christmas gifts. I am almost done shopping! I have only a couple stocking stuffers and a few piddly gifts to buy. I love being done shopping before Thanksgiving it keeps the holidays semi-stress free. I usually buy all year. I buy clearance and special deals. I also keep a full bucket of items that the kids can go look through when they come home with birthday invitations. If makes those last minute trips to the store a thing of the past. I just say "ok hun go get a gift out of the bucket". There is only one downfall to buying all year round is if you buy clothes. Sometimes you get ready to give the gift and the child has grown...A couple easy ways to build your "gift bucket", as we call it, is when the kids bring home the Scholastic book forms they always have $1 books. I try to always pick the $1 ones and throw it in the bucket. After every...
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Five Lil Bass In Tow: It's Friday!!

Five Lil Bass In Tow: It's Friday!! : Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a great week! We are only 2 people away from this giveaway...makes me so excited! I am very ready ...

It's Friday!!

Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a great week! We are only 2 people away from this giveaway...makes me so excited! I am very ready to send out this gift. I already have the prize lined up for when we hit 200. It is from a great small business. The owner is an awesome lady. This has been a great week and half of having this blog and new facebook and twitter account. I have been accepted by a company to get new products, test and then post reviews on her. That is so exciting! It has been a nice blessing that there are also some wonderful bloggers who have been a HUGE help in getting this started and pointing me in the right directions of companies and people..I have also been asked by the sister of a writer to read and review his book. I am also excited to do that as I absolutely love to read. There are quite a few irons in the fire for this site. I'll be happy to share all the stories and fun as they come along. The more likes we have and the followers and such the more we ...

Five Lil Bass In Tow: My Victorea is 12 today!

Five Lil Bass In Tow: My Victorea is 12 today! : 12 years ago today my little Victorea was born. Or should I say pulled into this world? It was a scheduled c-section. Her big brother decide...

My Victorea is 12 today!

12 years ago today my little Victorea was born. Or should I say pulled into this world? It was a scheduled c-section. Her big brother decided to be breach so had to have a c-section with him, but because my water broke with him, he didn't wait till the scheduled date so everything with him went really fast so his feet didnt try to come out first.....anyway....So we arrived at the hospital that cold (Wednesday)November 1st, 2000. They took us in got me all hooked up and then everything was relaxed from then on out. I even walked into the operating room. Jeff, being my rock when in a scary situation as this, held me nice and tight as I was shaking from fear of the epidural. I do not like people messing with my back at all....we got all laid down and they tied my arms down which is scary also, by the way! Then Dr. Mirabile set off to work to deliver our beautiful little mini me. But, she did not want to come out lol The more he tried to get her out the further up into my stomach she w...