Nuby 4 pack of Spoons and Forks
Yes, I am a Nuby Mom but I love Nuby products! I grab for them at the store all the time when I have to buy a new product. The sippy cups are very sturdy and I LOVE the price. I can usually get a Nuby cup for around $3 but have you priced sippy cups? Most of them cost around $5 each. That gets hefty. These spoons and forks have last through the dishwasher, my dog chewing on the end and my sensory child chewing on them as she eats! I can't ask for better than that! All Nuby products are BPA free to keep your child and mine safe. The colors are always so much fun! When going on a playdate, make sure to take these bright plastic pieces with you, no mistaking their pieces for yours. These come in yellow and orange, green and blue, purple and green, red and blue, green and yellow. Chunky sized for your little ones small hand. So easy to wash, just toss them in the dishwasher with all your other silverware. The color keeps and they do not change the shape. Yo...