10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know Review and Giveaway
We used to be jr high youth ministers for our old church. I wish I had of had this book at that time. This really is a great book filled with quite a bit of wisdom for the teenage girl. Our older teen girls are wise beyond their years. I am saving this for our 10 year old daughter though. 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know will be great for her. Might just save her a couple heartaches. So many teen girls have questions that they don't feel they can take to their parents. It's a heartbreaking ordeal but it happens. Kari Kampakis tries to help girls know what to expect. It's almost like a What to Expect When You are Expecting book.
These ten simple truths can build one big change in your daughter’s life.
When Kari Kampakis wrote a blog post in July 2013 titled “10 Truths Young Girls Should Know,” the post went viral and was shared more than 65,000 times on Facebook. Obviously her message strikes a chord with moms and dads across the country. This nonfiction book for teen girls expands on these ten truths and can reach the hearts of both moms and daughters.
Teen girls go through so many things during their teen lives. Most girls go through being bullied, starting their periods, nervous if they don't get their periods at same age as their peers, wearing bras and hormones. Some experience pregnancy, loss, rape and more. If we can help protect these girls, at least a little, wouldn't you try?
If there is a girl in your life about ready to face these hard years, why not purchase this book for her and save her some unneeded heartache.
You can purchase this book for $12.99 from Tommy Nelson
You can purchase from Amazon.com for $10.34
Check out all their other great books at
Five Lil Bass In Tow was sent this book to read and post my honest review. Thank you for reading!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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