Baltic Amber Teething Necklace - KG Baby Review

Have you been up day in and day out with your teething child? Are you looking for relief? I honestly thought that these were just some new product with just the hope of working. Our little girl wore this necklace all day yesterday. She was so pleasant to be around. Poor girl wasn't chewing on her fingers or the toys she was playing with.

She has been working on these molars for what seems like forever.

• Provides soothing pain relief within a few hours. No more sleepless nights!
• Reduces drooling and the bumpy neck and chest rashes.
• Boosts the immune system to fight gum inflammation.
• Recover full energy and avoids fever & fussiness
• 100% Natural. No chemicals or negative side-effects.

Find Out How The Features of Our Necklaces Provide A Complete Teething Solution For You and Your Baby!

• Highest quality ancient amber, certified authentic from Eastern Europe.
• Each amber bead is double knotted on both sides for safety.
• Easy-to-use screw clasp keeps the necklace secure.
• Includes a beautiful sheer organza gift pouch.

For a limited time, each order includes a silicone teething pendant as a free bonus

I am impressed! The colors can be worn with anything. No trying to find the right color for a boy or girl. I fully recommend these! Buy one now and save yourself a couple sleepless nights. It will not take all symptoms and pain away but reduces a LOT!

You can purchase these from for $15.89


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