10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know Review and Giveaway
We used to be jr high youth ministers for our old church. I wish I had of had this book at that time. This really is a great book filled with quite a bit of wisdom for the teenage girl. Our older teen girls are wise beyond their years. I am saving this for our 10 year old daughter though. 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know will be great for her. Might just save her a couple heartaches. So many teen girls have questions that they don't feel they can take to their parents. It's a heartbreaking ordeal but it happens. Kari Kampakis tries to help girls know what to expect. It's almost like a What to Expect When You are Expecting book. These ten simple truths can build one big change in your daughter’s life. When Kari Kampakis wrote a blog post in July 2013 titled “10 Truths Young Girls Should Know,” the post went viral and was shared more than 65,000 times on Facebook. Obviously her message strikes a chord with moms and dads across the country. This nonfiction book for ...