
Dura Tags @Jolly Awesome Pet Tag Review and Giveaway

Our pets are part of the family. We have Sophie, our 6 year old yorkie. She is my little love puppy. So sweet. She got out one day and we couldn't find her. I was devastated. I started making phone calls because I had taken her collar off to give her a bath and hadn't put it back on her. We finally found out she was picked up by a puppy pound, here in town. Took us a while to get her back. Her tags didn't have out updated information on it, even if she had of had her tags on. I really learned my lesson! Shortly after this happened, I found out that I could do this review. I am so thankful. We have new updated tags for 3 of our beloved pets. Hershee, my daughters, mixed yorkie who is almost a year old. And our adult cat Katniss (she is cat on the right) The process to get these adorable tags is so easy. Just start off by going to and looking around. 3 personalized tags normally cost $16.95 but right now through their sale the

Purex Crystals Aromatherapy Review

This stuff smells AMAZING! Do you buy Bath and Body Works items? Have you smelled Sweet Pea? That is exactly what the Well Being scent smells like. So fresh and yummy smelling. Each 18oz bottle of this is packed with freshness that lasts for weeks. I haven't found another brand of crystals that can match the length of lasting scent that Purex has. There are 3 scents. Well Being, Energy and Serenity. Pick one and express to the world what your mood is. Each one has either a citrus or floral scent to it. These just became available in mid October. So if you are looking for a laundry enhancer with a fresh laundry scent, check out Purex Crystals Aromatherapy. In my opinion, you won't be disappointed. Our laundry has never smelled so good. Purex Crystals Aromatherapy helps eliminate those nasty odors. I have kids that play sports and work hard. The odor is gone. We only use Purex detergents in this house because we have found that their products do not irritate my son

DoggieLawn Real Grass Pet Potty Review

Do you live in an apartment? Do you have to leave your pet home alone a lot? This might be just the product for you. DoggieLawn Their hydroponically grown grass is designed to work perfectly as an indoor dog potty, or outside on your balcony as a fresh potty patch. At first the dogs really didn't pay much attention to this product. I thought it wasn't going to work, but I left it there. About 2 days after receiving this product the dogs and the cats took to it. It was so nice not to come home to see poop on the floor or to feel a wet spot. We aren't gone that long but it never fails that when we leave the animals go potty. I sort of chuckled when I first received the box, that we just got mailed a box of grass. I can't tell you what a "box of grass" has been in saving my carpets! This keeps the stink of doggie urine away. I am TOTALLY impressed by this. Who thought to bring in a piece of grass so th

Triple Shampoo and Soap Dispenser by Toilet Tree

We LOVE this product! With 6 kids and 3 adults living in the house, this is something that has made out lives a little easier. We decided to take each one and put it in a different room. I could probably have used a triple set in each room. Between hand soap, shampoo, conditioner, dish soap, body wash and lotion. *It is recommended to never use any shampoo, soap or body wash in our dispensers that have microbeads or grit. This could cause the dispenser to clog* If you have lots of children or have visitors a lot, this might just be the perfect product for you! You can purchase these shampoo/soap dispensers in single, double or triple. single $24.99 double $34.95 triple $49.95 plus shipped free! Each set can be bought with a white base or a chrome plated base. I preferred the w

Zim's Natural Based Muscle Rub Max Freeze

My 16 year old son was in a car accident, where the car rolled. He broke a rib and was unconscious for awhile. As a parent, this was a very scary event. But, as the person in the accident, he was in pain. The muscles in his body were so tight. Have you ever been in a car accident? If so then you know that you may feel fine right after the accident but just give it a couple days. My sons accident was over a month ago but his healing process has been so slow! He is still pretty messed up. Motrin, and other pain meds, can only do so much. We were asked to test out Max-Freeze Spray. I was so thankful, as this came at the perfect time! My son was a very willing candidate for testing this product. So simple to use and no strong scent. Just a very pleasant and soft smell. Just spray it on the area that needs it the most and rub. ( you do not have to rub, we found it just made it better) Just massage the area so that is sinks into the muscle. You can apply and rub up to 4x a day. Just make

Worry Woo's Review

EMBRACE YOUR INNER WOO Watch the story about how Worry Woo's Came about "> Do you have a child that worries a lot? They don't even have to be a Worry Woo. If your child struggles with Loneliness, then meet Nola. Nola, the cuddly green Monster of Loneliness lives in a world of sunny skies and beautiful landscapes but she’s missing one thing… a friend. Her wide-eyed stare and squooshy tummy make her an ideal candidate for hugs and kisses. She also sports the signature WorryWoo belly button made for tickles. She would love to be your best friend!! Nola and her book are $36 If your child is insecure, you will want them to meet Rue. Rue, The Monster of Insecurity, thinks his nose is too big and wishes he looked different. Rue needs to be reminded he looks beautiful just the way he is. I have to say that Rue would have been my best friend, when I was

Warmables Eye Mask Review

I suffer from terrible migraines. For about a year I have been putting rice or beans in a sock and using those for a mask like this one. You have to be very careful with microwaving the rice though as the grains of rice can explode if too hot. If you have migraines, cramps or even arthritis, the soothing relief of warmth is what sometimes gets you through. The cherry pits put off a moist heat but you are not going to feel the moisture. The heat seems to last around a half an hour. I have not used this as a boo-boo pad. It can cool down fevers or calm bug bites. Like all our products our eye masks are unscented and washable. They can be used in combination with essential oils if you like creating your personalized aromatherapy. I received this Warmable to try and love it! It came in a cute rooster pattern. They are made with cherry pits. You can use them cold, just set in freezer for a couple days. Or you can use them hot, please do not microwave over 45 sec. There are severa