
Grace For the Moment Review for Adult and Matching Childs Devotionals

I think that everyone has heard of Max Lucado. He has so many wonderful books and ministerial pieces. I've listened to him on the radio ever since I can remember. He is very interesting to listen to. His books are a great read. I was excited when I got to review one of his devotionals. I love to have a variety of devotionals. I like to switch them up or to read more than 1 to see what they have for me to learn that day. The cover of the adult devotional is a very simple yet thought provoking one. There is a tan cover with a single tree at the top. Sort of makes me think of the tree in the Garden of Eden. So I love the cover. The children's version is definitely that. It is a cartoon cover with a tree with a tree house in it. Makes you think, doesn't it. Each of the children's book pages are a serene color of blue. The scripture is at the top and then a devotional and then a Growing in Grace saying. The adult version has a verse and then a devotional. Check it out and

Sugar Bowl Bakery -Madeleines and Brownie Bites

My family fell in love with these cookie/cakes and brownie bites! (trying to find a friend to go pick me up some more from Costco) The chocolate brownie bites were heaven in your mouth. No joke...They were individually wrapped for your convenience. The chocolate was perfect, the brownie bite was soft.. I could not ask more of a treat! Grab yourself a bowl of ice cream and warm up your brownie. Or grab a glass of ice cold milk. As a mom, with such a big household, it was nice to sit down after everyone was in bed and eat a treat. You can purchase from amazon for $34.24 The other treat we got to try out were the madeleines. It was a cookie/cake type texture. They had a sweet taste to them. These would make such a great treat to have on the table for holidays. If you want to get creative, you can dip one end of the Madeleines in candy melts.

Jesus Calling Devotional Book for Adults and Children

I like my devotions to have the scripture printed out for me. I guess I'm a lazy devotion reader. I lost my Bible in one of our moves and haven't replaced it yet. With this set, we had to look up the verse that goes with the devotional. Sarah Young, the author, did a great job in the smoothness of her writing.  The devotions are easy to read and the pictures in the children's book are cute. I love that she made parent and children's books. Helps teach your child the importance of time with God. You can purchase both of these from amazon The adult version is $8.43 The children's version is $8.89 Check out all their other great books at https://www.facebook.

The Joshua Code Devotional for Adults and Children

Have you ever read your devotions and wanted to know the who? What? Why? The Joshua Code for adults and Children, does just that.  52 scripture verses every believer should know... This specific set I love because it's not just a short quip about your the writers day and then puts a biblical spin on it. The devotional I've been using is this way. The Joshua Code gives a verse, a devotional and then the who, what and where. In depth great read for your daily closet time! You can purchase the child's hardback for $12.01 You can purchase the adult version for $12.86 Check out all their other great books at

NippyLid The Universal Baby Bottle Lid

This has been a great first bottle for my grandbaby. She is fully breastfed but is now wanting juice and sometimes a little more than the breast. She is 10 months old and has transitioned to this bottle very easy. My daughter and I love the fact that she does not have to hold the bottle up! This is always hard for babies as those bottles getting seriously heavy. This bottle is the older style but it patent pending so maybe in the future they will have a super cool new look. The lid stays attached to the bottle. This is always a pain for parents to go hunting for that infamous lid. When you can't find it, you just toss the bottle in the bottle holder of the diaper bag and off you the time you get home though, the bottle has leaked in the pocket and you get this sour milk stink. EWE! The lid piece is attached by a stretchy piece that surrounds the bottle and stays attached to the lid. I would definitely recommend this bottle to all new moms. Plus if your chil

Peppermint Essential Oil

Have you ever used any essential oils? Different oils have different uses. Some of the oils are used for tummy aches. Some for helping you sleep. Some for helping you feel rejuvenated and give you energy. Whatever the oil you choose or need, make sure that you are using it as directed. Peppermint oil, not only smells good, but can help relieve those pesky headaches. Just drip a little onto your finger and rub on your temples. This does not replace pain meds or doctors visits. But can reduce a headache to almost nothing. Have a sore throat? Rub a little onto your finger or into your hand and apply around your throat. Let it sit for a few minutes and the scratchy should be relieved. Each oil is usually 100% pure and natural. Non-Toxic - No Additives - Unfiltered and Undiluted with No Fillers. We put this in the humidifier when the baby gets a runny nose or when my allergies kick in. It helps open up the airways to help breathe. Last time I had a serious headache/migraine

Dinosaur Toy Figures, 12 Set

It's funny how dinosaurs are such a big thing when no child has ever seen one. Maybe that is the draw to them. These dinosaurs are so much fun and kept my kids busy forever! My 3 year old loves to play with her big brother. However, she loves to chew on his toys. (she sensory seeks) These dinosaurs each have their own level of texture. These dinosaurs have held up very well to her chewing on them. She hasn't bitten through any yet! Your child can pretend that they are in Jurassic Park and need to make sure that they survive the release of all the dinosaurs. They can also chase away their sisters Barbie's by trying to eat them. Just let their imaginations run wild! These toys would also be great if you are homeschooling. Have a really cool lesson on dinosaurs. Your child can learn which ones are herbivores and which ones are carnivores. Product Description Available Colors: blue, pink, yellow, green, brown, silver, red, and purple! Dinosaur Sizes: 5-7" Dinosa