NippyLid The Universal Baby Bottle Lid
This has been a great first bottle for my grandbaby. She is fully breastfed but is now wanting juice and sometimes a little more than the breast. She is 10 months old and has transitioned to this bottle very easy. My daughter and I love the fact that she does not have to hold the bottle up! This is always hard for babies as those bottles getting seriously heavy.
This bottle is the older style but it patent pending so maybe in the future they will have a super cool new look.
The lid stays attached to the bottle. This is always a pain for parents to go hunting for that infamous lid. When you can't find it, you just toss the bottle in the bottle holder of the diaper bag and off you the time you get home though, the bottle has leaked in the pocket and you get this sour milk stink. EWE! The lid piece is attached by a stretchy piece that surrounds the bottle and stays attached to the lid.
I would definitely recommend this bottle to all new moms. Plus if your child doesn't have to tilt the bottle up to get the drink out of it, training for sippy cups and regular cups should be a breeze.
This bottle comes in pink, blue and yellow. Great for any sex or for any outfit.
You can still either wash by hand with a bottle brush or toss in the top rack of the dishwasher. Easy clean up!
This lid fits on most standard bottles for you can switch them around.
The bottle is pricey but in my opinion, very worth it!
You can purchase this unique bottle for $12.99 from Amazon
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